IT Strategy


At TANGIBLE, the development of Information Technology strategies is always seamlessly aligned with the overall organizational objectives, and current business priorities. Our IT consultants and external technical partners insist on following the principles of data-driven technology analysis to zero in on existing IT problems, and minimize potential and future IT risks. Our edge in IT consulting comes from our strategic outlook on technological prowess, and information flow & storage capabilities of our clients. TANGIBLE strives to create an objective view on technological issues for our clients, with an eye on extracting the most out of the IT resources at their disposal. Our advice on future investments into IT infrastructure is always tempered with industry-specific technological needs and trends. TANGIBLE assists its clients redesign their IT setup using only the latest and the most innovative functions in IT governance, application development, and IT infrastructure. This, we achieve using our own proprietary tools and analysis models. Post the technology revolution; businesses have invested a lot of their time and financial resources into their IT infrastructure and systems building. However, few have been able to realize the value or returns they envisaged at the time those investment decisions were taken. 


We deliver :

  • IT Infrastructure and Data Sharing Optimization

  • IT Asset Management

  • IT Service Management

  • IT Strategy and Performance Management

  • IT Enterprise Architecture

  • IT Accessibility and Mobility Management 

  • Software Selection and Application

  • Internet Business Strategies